الأربعاء، 19 مارس 2014

أكد البرتغالي جوزيه مورينيو المدير الفني لفريق تشيلسي الإنجليزي ، أنه يتمنى التوفيق لفريق مانشستر يونايتد في مشواره بدوري أبطال أوروبا هذا الموسم ، وأن يتخطى عقبة أولمبياكوس اليوناني ، ليتأهل لدور الثمانية في " الشامبيونز ليج " .

وقال مورينيو في تصريحات مقتضبة لصحيفة " ديلي ميل " الإنجليزية ، عقب الفوز على جالطة سراي التركي 2-0 على ملعب " ستامفورد بريدج " معقل الفريق اللندني : " أتمنى ألا يكون خروج مانشستر يونايتد من دوري الأبطال حقيقة " ، وأضاف : " أتمنى أن يفعلها يونايتد في مباراة اليوم " .

ويواجه " الشياطين الحمر " خطر الخروج من دوري الأبطال ، بفعل الخسارة في مباراة الذهاب باليونان بهدفين دون رد ، مما سيجعل اللاعبين ومديرهم الفني الاسكتلندي ديفيد مويس في موقف لا يحسد عليه ، خاصة بعدما باتت فرص اليونايتد في المشاركة بدوري الأبطال الموسم المقبل شبه مستحيلة ، حيث تراجع الفريق إلى المركز السابع في الدوري الإنجليزي قبل 8 جولات من نهاية " البريميير ليج " ، إضافة إلى فقدانه لقبي كأس الاتحاد الإنجليزي ، وكأس رابطة الأندية المحترفة " كابيتال وان " التي توج بها جاره مانشستر سيتي ، بينما فاز يونايتد ببطولة وحيدة هي كأس الدرع الخيرية في مطلع الموسم .

في المقابل يتصدر تشيلسي الدوري برصيد 66 نقطة ، ويعد الفريق الإنجليزي الوحيد الذي تأهل لدور الثمانية دوري الأبطال ، بينما ودع البطولة كل من مانشستر سيتي بالخسارة ذهابًا وإيابًا أمام برشلونة الإسباني 0-2 و1-2 ، وآرسنال على يد بايرن ميونيخ الألماني حامل لقب المسابقة بالخسارة 0-2 في إنجلترا ، والتعادل 1-1 في " آليانز آرينا " .

الجمعة، 14 مارس 2014

The chairman of the company that contracted with the Local Organising Committee for the organization of the opening ceremony of the World Cup Brazil 2014 Football Stadium Arena Sao Paulo , said that the celebration of the 25 -minute dances include local carnivals and Samba will be the premier event on June 12 next .
The CEO (Tim Spirit ) Alan Simmerman that the celebration will also include performances of representative football , and will end display singers Jennifer Lopez and Claudia Leite and rapper American Pitbull , who will be presenting a song the World Cup , " Wei R Wen " or "We are one ."
In remarks published in today's newspaper ( Folha de Sao Paulo ), Brazil , revealed that the celebration Simmerman , who will be doing about 1,200 people , the idea of the former technical director for Cirque du Soleil , the Italian Franco Drajohna .
According to the Brazilian newspaper , nearly 60 percent of the participants in the ceremony of volunteers from non-governmental organizations , schools, dance and circus , aged between 20 and 30 years.
Simmerman admitted that the artists would not get paid , but stressed that this work will improve their technical capabilities and opens the doors of the future in front of them .
The official said , " Brazil has many talents , but perhaps still lacks the technical capacity ," stressing that the volunteers will receive a " health insurance , and uniforms , and meals , and a means of transport , and a certificate of participation valued at large ."
The opening ceremony will include a speech by the President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff , or the President of the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA ) , Joseph Blatter .
Blatter revealed the German Press Agency ( DPA) this week during an interview in Berlin , " we will organize the opening ceremony is not included speeches ."
FIFA aims to avoid any possible censure sirens , such as that suffered by Rousseff and Blatter during the opening of the Confederations Cup 2013.

Yaya ToureContinued to coach Jose Mourinho to Chelsea battle of words , but this time he defended himself against the star 's remarks Ivorian midfielder Yaya Toure of Manchester City, who pointed out that the coach does not speak much respected competitors .
Mourinho said in remarks during a press conference today published its activities " network " Sky Sports " , said: " I said before the matches City and Arsenal against Barcelona and Bayern Munich , the two teams Alangelizin still in front of them the opportunity to make up in the second leg round of 16 of the Champions League , what Amtazan its great capabilities , is when I have gone England teams in Europe, so I did not show respect , well , this lack of respect . "
He added: "I think Arsenal and City have shown what I was saying , that they are capable of providing a good level , this is not what I say falls under the concept of a lack of respect , but this support them."
He continued: " I also said that City have games in hand and can beat them , is this lack of respect as well? , I think that the player has a special concept for a lack of respect ."
He reiterated Mourinho again remarks that Chelsea is a candidate to win the league , pointing out that the summit " Blues " fakes because Majlat City , said : "You can have a 30-point increase from competitors , but they Imklon 10 matches in hand , it does not mean anything."
It is noteworthy that Chelsea will travel to Aston Villa in the 30th week of the English Premier League on Saturday.

Yaya ToureContinued to coach Jose Mourinho to Chelsea battle of words , but this time he defended himself against the star 's remarks Ivorian midfielder Yaya Toure of Manchester City, who pointed out that the coach does not speak much respected competitors .
Mourinho said in remarks during a press conference today published its activities " network " Sky Sports " , said: " I said before the matches City and Arsenal against Barcelona and Bayern Munich , the two teams Alangelizin still in front of them the opportunity to make up in the second leg round of 16 of the Champions League , what Amtazan its great capabilities , is when I have gone England teams in Europe, so I did not show respect , well , this lack of respect . "
He added: "I think Arsenal and City have shown what I was saying , that they are capable of providing a good level , this is not what I say falls under the concept of a lack of respect , but this support them."
He continued: " I also said that City have games in hand and can beat them , is this lack of respect as well? , I think that the player has a special concept for a lack of respect ."
He reiterated Mourinho again remarks that Chelsea is a candidate to win the league , pointing out that the summit " Blues " fakes because Majlat City , said : "You can have a 30-point increase from competitors , but they Imklon 10 matches in hand , it does not mean anything."
It is noteworthy that Chelsea will travel to Aston Villa in the 30th week of the English Premier League on Saturday.

الأربعاء، 12 مارس 2014

Club president praised Paris Saint-Germain Qatar's Nasser Al-Khulaifi polychlorinated offensive line in the team of Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Uruguayan Edinson Cavani and praised the efforts of the latter qualities enjoyed by the public .
He stressed Khulaifi said in an interview to the newspaper " Le Parisien " that the duo creates an effective partnership and said in this regard, " Edinson is one of the best players in the world. He athlete of the first class can register at any time . He was a fighter for real. He and Ibra complement each other , both have style Special . "
"We represent a very effective partnership ."
The team leads the French capital the domestic league ahead 8 points for a direct competitor of Monaco and is therefore a candidate to retain his title , while a line a giant step towards the round eight of the Champions League after beating Bayer Leverkusen 4-0 back .
Pat the performance of Mesut Ozil midfielder Germany and Arsenal a mystery to the media in English, a newspaper launched " Dell mile ," a scathing attack on the player after the draw against Bayern Munich 1-1 in Germany , and out of the Round of 16 of the Champions League , due to its defeat on the playground " Emirates ' two straight.
English newspaper published a lengthy report , which says that Ozil perhaps costing the treasury Arsenal 42.2 million pounds compared to sign him early this season from Real Madrid , but the level of the stadium " Allianz Arena " it is not equal to " shillings " any coin smaller English .
And demonstrated "Daily Mail" on the poor performance of Ozil during his participation 45 minutes before replaced with the beginning of the second half because of a leg injury , that Ozil touched the ball 21 times only , versus 66 times for Thiago Alcantara , 47 for Bastian Schweinsteiger and Arjen Robben 33 , and Franck Ribery, 33 , while Ozil was the most expensive player in the history of Arsenal in the semi-comatose .
She noted that the German player looked like a won a strong slap in the face , until it was replaced at the break , to remind everyone his performance modest in both legs of Manchester City's defeat by Arsenal 3-6 , and defeat other heavy against Liverpool with five clean in the Premier League , " Premier League " .
She said that Ozil miss the enthusiasm and vitality and become a player lazy too , is no longer the same level it was at when he was a shirt Real Madrid , did not intercede for his first goal scored against Everton FA Cup , which ended in victory for Arsenal 4-1 , because it did not provide any little thing in the game, most importantly , Germany , and a pat on the coach Arsene Wenger analysis of the real reasons for the decline in the level of one of the most talented soccer players to save their future .
She drew the "Daily Mail" considering that the German player missed a penalty in the first leg at the " Emirates " to repay the ball the same way as performed in his country , as revealed by his colleague, Manuel Neuer , also suffered a player Arsenal booed by fans in a friendly match match between Germany and Chile last weekend.
Began Union of European Football Associations ( UEFA ) on Wednesday disciplinary action against Bayern Munich fans after raising a banner demanding the inclusion of Kosovo in the membership of the International Union for the game (FIFA ) Defective match against Arsenal on Tuesday in the Champions League .
The banner carried the slogan "Say No to Racism , Say Yes to Kosovo " was picked up by television cameras .
Article 16 of the FIFA regulations not to allow political messages inside the stadiums , and the club host the game bears the responsibility for any conduct contrary to the public.
The UEFA spokesman said that the incident will be its consideration by the Disciplinary Committee of the European Union's football on 20 March / March.
He could face sanctions over Bayern Munich to sign the other was filed in yesterday's game , where the sign Arsenal described as " the Gunners Gay " , and included a cartoon of the sign German star Mesut Ozil Arsenal midfielder .
UEFA has received a report from the Organization of Football Against Racism , with respect to the second and is Ballavth discuss the matter at the moment.
Stressed Lionel Messi Barcelona enchanting the need to exert maximum effort as possible at home to Manchester City today in the framework of the second leg round of 16 of the Champions League at the " Camp Nou " .
The Argentine international superstar in remarks published by the newspaper " Metro " , said: "We have to show respect for all City today , because it is a great team , and holders and amazing potential and players at the highest level in all the centers ."
He added: " City is full of team skills , and players from different model , and we know very well what they can do , especially in the big confrontations , our mission is not over the purpose , so we have to be better in our case ."
He continued: " Manchester City has received very good news for the return of its star Argentine Sergio Aguero to join him after recovering from injury , I know very well the capabilities of this player ."
He warned of the gravity Messi Aguero said: " Argentine striker my friend and I know its gravity well , and its ability to form a crisis for opposing defenses in the biggest difference , so we have to respect it as much as the well- characterized by the seriousness ."
It is noteworthy that Aguero has been absent from the first leg injury in the game figs ended two straight on the Etihad Stadium .
Become opinion Argentine Diego Simeone , coach of Atletico Madrid , that his team is classified as a team modest illogical with the passage of time .
He said Simone after the landslide victory his team AC Milan fourth in total for preventive Go back under competitions knockout round of the Champions League , and qualify for the quarter-finals , " will play in the quarter-finals of the European 7 teams with a high level and will be the team VIII ( Atletico Madrid ) modest , but it is able to harass the top teams . "
Reflected a sense of Simone humbly his team on his vision for the games being waged , has become the phrase " match match " slogan within the team , but many observers do not believe that Atletico Madrid are not looking for the coronation titles under his ascension to the quarterfinals of the European Championship and finishing second in the championship domestic league , 3 points behind leaders Real Madrid .
Spanish press did not hesitate to classify the Spanish team as one of the favorites to compete for the title of the Champions League .
And devoted newspaper " Marca" Spanish title says " the greats of Europe " to describe the Spanish team and made ​​it clear that Atletico Madrid returned to become one of the aristocracy between the teams of the continent, and confirmed that it would be a dark horse for the championship.
The newspaper " AS " Atletico Madrid to overcome all obstacles and that as of yesterday has become a sense of the ability to do anything .
And left Luis Felipe , left-back for the Spanish team , from the language of official discourse and stressed that Atletico Madrid is able to exclude any team standing in the face during the coming period .
It seems that the Spanish team overcome the difficult phase in its history began in 2000, when it fell to play in the second division, local , where he had been crouching in the second section for a period of two years .
And caused the financial crisis in this period, the decline in the team, suffering through a decade in the search for a new identity until he reached Simone to lead the team .
And arrived Argentine coach , who was a player loved during the period of the exercise of football , to lead the Spanish team at 29 December / December 2011, and was arriving as a new start for the team, where he was able to get under his command on the Europa League and European Super Cup and the King's Cup local , in addition to that he stitches the spirit of the tournament in the hearts of his players .
And is likely to be the opinion of Simone humbly his team stems from his view of the economic state of affairs , budget of the Spanish team of 125 million euros ( 176.3 million dollars), which is equivalent to the budget of Borussia Dortmund , runners Champions League in the latest version , but of course less than the budget v nights Madrid and Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain and Bayern Munich and ManchesterUnited.
But assessing the performance of the team, which is significantly improved by taking over Simone responsibility for technical leadership for the team, based on other things such as having a lot of international players who will represent their national teams in the World Cup finals in Brazil in 2014 , the likes of players Brazilians Miranda and Felipe Luis and Uruguayan Diego Godin , in addition to Spaniards Diego Costa and CookieAnd Juanfran .
When you reach the club to extend the sponsorship contract with the State of Azerbaijan until 2015, was rumored at the time that this sponsorship will give the club the ability of enormous economic during the next season , not only to be able to maintain the presence of the players both cases , but also the ability to establish a global investment estimated at millions of dollars.
■ ■ It is not strange that referred to Bayern Munich currently be the strongest and best club in the world , he has five wonderful champion and world club champions of Europe and the super hero and the European champions and cup in Germany , and did not put him any title to compete for the progress since last year , only the honorary title at the beginning of this season in the Super Cup and the German defeat by arch-rivals Dortmund in the final of the European Champions League .
■ ■ But despite superiority Is Hard to defeat Bayern , Will certainly become a candidate to keep the European title ? .. And the answer is no .. because Bayern Although sweep the Bundesliga this season and its note solo in the lead and make sure it retains the title local and his club competition depressed from prosecution or rival , it seems that it returned to Earth yesterday evening against Arsenal in the second leg of the Round of 16 of the Champions League despite the draw 1/1 and ascension to the quarter-finals .
■ ■ It was deficient German club giant , led by the Spanish Pep Guardiola , repeating his victory achieved in their own home rival in the leg when he beat him 2 / zero , and settled in the home - Alianza Arena - draw 1/1 , wasted Penalty new and wasted many scoring opportunities , despite the superiority of the German team in control and possession and pressure in all parts of the stadium , it fails to translate superiority into goals and seem so would enrage Guardiola , who expressed his dissatisfaction with the performance in his last match for the league despite the sweep team to rival - Wolfsburg - ends 6 / 1 ! !
■ ■ perhaps Bayern this draw against Arsenal in the Alianza Arena, has solved at least partially knots hit him in front of English clubs in European matches , where he had lost at home the last three matches played against them , including the loss on penalties against Chelsea in the Champions League final 2012 after drawing 1/1 in the original time .
It has already been defeated Bayern 2 - zero at home to Arsenal in the last 16 of the Champions League last season after a 3-1 victory in the first leg of the English capital, London , and was the only European defeat for Bayern throughout the season .
■ ■ The loss only European extended to Bayern in the domestic season , was defeated two thirds in the last Group D match against Manchester City , despite an earlier victory over City 3/1 in the first leg in Manchester .. but this remains this kind of stuttering a sudden tripping logarithms of concern to Bayern fans .
■ ■ It responds to this concern that Guardiola would press for the players , in order not to suffer vanity and turn their superiority into a curse , which recently stated that the possibility of retaining the title the rest of the hard things that have not been met in the Champions League for a long time , and exactly 24 years ago , when he won Italian champions AC Milan in 1989 and 1990 .Suggests statement Ancelotti coach Real Madrid that Bayern strongest and most dangerous team in the world now and then rectified that the best team may not always win , suggesting that Bayern obtain respected enough of the top coaches , the same was confirmed by Arsene Fejer after the departure of his team formally in front of Bayern .
■ ■ but the experience of Arsenal and a draw in the Alianza Arena, as well as the former beat Manchester City to Bayern in the same pitch , indicating that football is still round , and that Bayern does not guarantee anything , and that the results of the matches volatile , not introductions lead to results , it was Barcelona won shaky European and locally Aqirdarh in the City in the first leg round of 16 , although the City is the only team Urbe compelling Bayern in the current season .
■ ■ not Barca alone , if he can defend his victory to go in front of the City and completed to qualify for the quarter-finals , there Atletico Madrid winner Milan ancient back and forth , and there are Real Madrid, who now lives the best times of recovery and impressing local and European , which is considered the strongest candidate , led by Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player in the world, to stand up to the aspirations of Bayern Munich , as there PSG Almtahb and impelled to accomplish European, and greatly emboldened the best strikers , led by Ibrahimovic .
■ ■ No one can ignore the Chelsea stubborn , who wrested the title in 2102 , led by Di Matteo interim coach did not Incefh this great achievement to stay in office a long time , only to return Fox Mourinho motivated to achieve this honor with the blues .. and stays on the dimension Jerihan Dortmund \ and Manchester United in the hope of uprising compensate fiasco in each domestic season

الاثنين، 10 مارس 2014

Student coach Manuel Pellegrini Manchester City players compensation out of the FA Cup football on Sunday against Wigan Athletic to win by Barcelona in the Champions League this week and superiority over Chelsea in the competition struggle on the Premier League title .
City title and was crowned League Cup last week and was looking forward to winning an unprecedented Qualifiers titles , but came out of the FA Cup after losing in the quarter-finals 2-1 against Wigan second division at Etihad Stadium in Manchester .
City and pay the price for his appearance poorly in the first half and a decline in the line of defense and , despite a beautiful goal for Samir Nasri in the second half failed to City eventually equalized and re- run the meeting .
Pellegrini preferred to talk about the game next Wednesday when it plays in the hospitality of Barcelona in the second leg knockout round in the Champions League . The City will try to compensate for the loss by two goals at home last month .
The Chilean coach said to my station . T-Sport , "We are in the latter part of the season, but it is very important that we have a reaction. Should go to Barcelona in order to progress in the Champions League despite the difficulty of the task . "
"It is important for any team to have a big reaction quickly when exposed to a setback . "
City and occupies the fourth place in the Premier League , nine points behind leaders Chelsea but left him three games in hand.
Pellegrini said , " I will repeat what I say throughout the season . 'll Try to win every game we play and we'll see which team will collect maximum points at the end. "

طالب مانويل بليجريني مدرب مانشستر سيتي لاعبيه بتعويض الخروج من كأس الاتحاد الإنجليزي لكرة القدم أمس الأحد أمام ويجان أثليتيك عن طريق الفوز على برشلونة في دوري أبطال أوروبا هذا الأسبوع والتفوق على تشيلسي في صراع المنافسة على لقب الدوري الممتاز.

وتوج سيتي بلقب كأس رابطة الأندية الإنجليزية الأسبوع الماضي وكان يتطلع إلى الفوز برباعية غير مسبوقة من الألقاب لكنه خرج من كأس الاتحاد بخسارته في دور الثمانية 2-1 أمام ويجان المنتمي للدرجة الثانية على استاد الاتحاد في مانشستر.

ودفع سيتي ثمن ظهوره بشكل ضعيف في الشوط الأول وتراجع مستوى خط الدفاع ورغم الهدف الجميل لسمير نصري في الشوط الثاني أخفق سيتي في النهاية في إدراك التعادل وخوض لقاء إعادة.

وفضل بليجريني الحديث عن مباراة يوم الأربعاء المقبل عندما يلعب في ضيافة برشلونة في إياب دور الستة عشر بدوري أبطال أوروبا. وسيحاول سيتي تعويض خسارته بفارق هدفين على أرضه الشهر الماضي.

وقال المدرب التشيلي لمحطة بي.تي سبورت "نحن في الجزء الأخير من الموسم لكن من المهم جدا أن يكون لنا رد فعل. يجب أن نذهب إلى برشلونة بهدف التقدم في دوري الأبطال رغم صعوبة المهمة."

وأضاف "من المهم بالنسبة لأي فريق كبير أن يكون رد فعله سريعا عندما يتعرض لانتكاسة."

ويحتل سيتي المركز الرابع في الدوري الإنجليزي متأخرا بتسع نقاط عن تشيلسي المتصدر لكن يتبقى له ثلاث مباريات مؤجلة.

وقال بليجريني "سأكرر ما أقوله طوال الموسم. سنحاول الفوز بكل مباراة نخوضها وسنرى أي فريق سيجمع أكبر قدر من النقاط في النهاية."
Adel TaarabtThe player confirmed Moroccan Adil Taarabt midfielder AC Milan that his team is not afraid to face Atletico Madrid tomorrow in the second leg of the round of 16 of the Champions League , an encounter that needs AC Milan in which to achieve a win by two goals or more to compensate for the loss at the San Siro with the aim of charge in the first leg , stressing that he does not see any reason why his team to control the course of the meeting and to win.
Taarabt said in televised remarks to the club's official channel " was supposed to achieve victory at the San Siro , it was natural to win 2-0 , but we were not lucky at all."
He Taarabt " absolutely not afraid of the face Atletico Madrid tomorrow, they're one of the strongest teams in Spain and performing excellently in La Liga and the Champions League but a different championship nothing to do with the outcome of their games and matches local tournaments ."
Continued Moroccan midfielder in his speech , saying " at the San Siro proved our strength and our ability to control the course of the meeting , so why not do the same thing in Madrid ? , I was hoping to go to Madrid after achieving victory in the league , but unfortunately this did not happen , if at all it completely different tomorrow, I have noticed that we are suffering in front of the teams that play 3-5-2 in a manner such as Juventus, Udinese and Torino , which does not depend upon the Spanish team . "
Will be allocated more than one-third of tickets to the final of the Champions League football in Lisbon in May next to the officials and corporate sponsors .
The European Union said football in a statement on Monday, " will go 37 thousand ticket in the stadium with a capacity of 61 thousand spectators to the public . "
He added that the European Union, the ticket and the remaining 24 thousand will go for " the Local Organising Committee and the European Union for the football and the national associations and commercial partners and broadcasters to serve the program 's hosting companies . "
And both teams will get two Satahlan for the final on 17 thousand ticket sold three thousand of fans around the world through the website of the UEFA Cup.
The European Union announced that the game ticket prices will range between 70 euros ( 97.03 dollars), the value of tickets to the fourth category and 390 euros for the first category in addition to the rate of 20 euros in costs to each service request .
And while Bayern Munich beat Borussia Dortmund in the final at Wembley last season, Chelsea has allocated 59 thousand ticket for the public and 27 thousand officials and corporate sponsors .
Said coach Bayern Munich , Pep Guardiola , said his team will face the problems of tomorrow in the second leg round of 16 Champions League Allianz Arena stadium in front of Arsenal , if it depended on the result of the first leg , which ended in victory Bavarian two straight.

The Spanish coach said at a news conference today , "We have to win this encounter and forget about the game score ."

Guardiola added : "If we tried to rely on the result of the first leg and left Arsenal plays will face problems has fail to qualify ."

For his part, the player Thomas Muller to what happened in the final eighth last season after winning in London with a 3-1 loss in the return leg in Munich duality clean .

Muller added , " we have learned this lesson , I've had this as a good warning , I do not think we will lose again at home 2-0 " ..
Student Diego Simeone , coach of Atletico Madrid , players can control the rhythm of the game that brings his team with AC Milan on Tuesday , and they close the spaces inside the stadium before the Milan players so they can transit to the quarterfinals of the Champions League football .
The Atletico Madrid won the first leg against Milan , which was held in the Italian city of Milan , in order to clean .
Said Simone during a press conference , " We have won in the first leg outcome is weak and this will encourage the opposing team on the attack and the search for compensation goal , so we control the rhythm of the game and close the spaces in front of the opponent , and it will control the midfield increase the numerical key is to excel in the game . we must not play an open game because that is what he wishes the Italian team . "
The artistic director of Atletico Madrid : " The team includes Italian elements of a good offensive and this is what motivates him to play aggressively , and if you do not watch the good players who enjoy the high speed will suffer greatly during the meeting ."
Simone and praised the Italian team , said: " Milan a very strong team , and used to run such big tournaments , featuring a lot of talented players ."
Simone was taken from Balotelli , Milan striker example for players who enlisted ranks within the Italian club and described the attacker feat .
He added: " Balotelli is a great striker , but he needs other players in order to pass the ball to him , even create opportunities to achieve his goals , and this is the source of the gravity of the Italian team ."
He told Atletico Madrid Uruguayan defender Diego Godin , who was accompanied by Simone during a press conference , saying : "I expect a tough match like the first leg , and I expect it to appear in Milan is his best team he used to run such big tournaments ."
Gooden added : " We should not trust too much the outcome of the first leg result , it is weak, and we can not rely on a strong team as the team in front of the Italian , we have to play the game as if it did not make any goals during the first leg and we consider the final match ."
Cesc FabregasConfirmed midfielder Cesc Fabregas Barcelona on the difficulty of the upcoming confrontation on Wednesday with Manchester City in the second leg round of 16 of the Champions League , pointing out that things have not yet been resolved before the team Bakdarat City .
Fabregas said in remarks published by the newspaper " as " Spanish : " Manchester City has great players , and there are three of them were able to make the difference they David Silva , which is characterized Pettmrarat charming and Khicis Navas brilliant and wonderful , and Ivorian Yaya Toure , who is well known Barcelona ."
He added: " We have to watch the movements of this trio is well to overcome an obstacle City , I believe very much in the Catalan team's preparations and his ability to qualify for the next round ."
He continued: "We have to do our best in the confrontation , and control the course of events , we can not offer a match purely offensive or defensive only , it is necessary to balance the way you play ."
He pointed out that Fabregas is going through great condition, despite the difficulty of the season on the team, stressing that it has improved a lot and feel the importance of the team , and that the player is bound to be missteps in his life in order to achieve the achievements . "
He wished Spanish international at the end of his remarks to lead his team and help him reap more titles , and end the season well .
The first leg ended with two straight goals for the Catalan team to the Etihad Stadium , with the return leg next Wednesday at Camp Nou .
Said Vincent Kompany defender and leader of Manchester City that his team still has a chance to qualify against Barcelona , in the context of the game, strong anticipated next Wednesday Baiab the last 16 of the Champions League .
Kompany said in remarks to the newspaper " as " Spanish : " There is always the names of players constitute a concern , and of course the Catalans heavily Astral from the highest levels , but it does not have to know very well that the Catalans not Lionel Messi or Brazilian Neymar da Silva only ."
He added: "The team does not need to study Barcelona well , especially that the game will be at the Camp Nou , we all must Ntalm from the mistakes of the first leg , and try to avoid any disruption we have done in such a confrontation , City still newly on that contest, but they have become part of our culture. "
He continued: " I always follow the style of a Formula car driver before big games , he is slowing down and considering the dimensions of the opponent and his strengths and weaknesses , and this is what you should do against Barcelona ."
Belgian international and conclude his remarks, saying : " I believe that the City is improving from one season to another , in the future of the team continues to improve, because of the dense experiences that we learn from this tournament strong ."
The first leg had ended the superiority of the Catalans two straight at Etihad Stadium .